Tuesday, July 30, 2019

NASA Free Youth Day @Great Lakes Science Center

NASA Free Youth (2-12) day at @GLScienceCtr August 12 http://greatscience.com/explore/events-programs/nasa-free-youth-day Kids 2-13 free 11:15 Energy demonstration Cleveland Creates Zone, Level 1 2:15 Lift Off : using chemistry and physics to launch rockets (probably a demo) Cleveland Creates Zone, Level 1 Obviously the museum itself has lots of hands on , make some stuff exhibits

Thursday, July 25, 2019


Did you know Akron had a Children's interactive Museum. I just found this out.
It is at Lock 3, below the State Street Parking Deck, in the old O'Neils (sp?) building. Currently they have 3,000 sq ft and 22 exhibits, which are probably best for kids 10 and under.  Admission is $5. They have a campaign going to double their size so they can create some exhibits and programming for the 10-15 crowd. They have two weeks of summer camp for 6-8 year olds and two weeks for 9-12 year olds.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

COSI Science Fest

COSI in Columbus is having its second Science Festival May 6-9 2020 with 100+ community events. Since STEM and Science involve making... it is also something for a #Maker to experience. Check out the events from 2019 to get an idea of what might be going on in 2020.
(press release1) (press release2)

Saturday, July 6, 2019


The second annual Make AT for All Conference and Expo will be held in Monroeville PA on September 24th and 25th. I understand it will be more of a hands on conference than a "sit and git". There will be educators and makers and people with disabilities all working together to create solutions. (Monroeville is just a little East of Pittsburgh)

I helped with an assistive technology session at NOMCON this year. We took plush toys that have buttons built in, cut the wires and added larger buttons on the outside. I was told to buy that "adapted" toy it would cost a lot more than the parts and time we put in. I hear from people online that assistive technology is very expensive when it doesn't really need to be. Many schools cannot afford them and insurance is hit or miss with covering things. There are many hacks and diy devices that can be made to do the same things less expensively.

Maybe your STEM / Maker / robotics /.... club could do some assistive technology making??

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


SPARCC (Stark Portage Area Computer Consortium) is hosting their 15th annual Education Technology Conference on August 9, 2019 at Stark State College in North Canton, Ohio (#SPARCC19). They have reached their registration limit, but they have a waiting list. It is not a #Maker conference per se, but it is a good local conference with several maker style sessions. : making interactive notebooks, creating VR, creating book trailers, Invention Literacy, making sketchnotes, screencasting, PBL in MakerSpace, music making. Follow the hashtag if you cannot get in.